4 Ways to Earn Extra Money with Your LED Screen

LED advertising screen for Bud Light

Any time you make a purchase — especially when it’s a big one — you should think about the ROI of what you’re buying. For a physical object like an LED screen, you can think about that ROI in terms of cost per use. You probably wouldn’t buy an LED screen and plan to just use it once, right? But it’s also something you won’t necessarily find a way to use every single day.

Still, we want all our mobile LED screen customers to look back and think “man, that was worth it!”

So rather than shove this insanely cool screen into a storage room and let it gather dust for half the month, why not find ways to get more use from it and generate some revenue in the process?

This will:

  • Decrease the cost per use
  • Help you recoup some of the initial investment
  • Make you feel more confident about the purchase overall
  • Give you a way to connect with the community
  • And maybe even turn the screen into an income-generator

Sounds awesome? Here’s how to make it happen.

4 ways to generate revenue with your mobile LED screen


Sure, you made the smart choice and got an LED screen of your own. But not everyone is quite ready to make that leap. Let them test out the LED screen experience by renting yours out to businesses, organizations and individuals. Just make sure you have a good contract in place before you hand it over. Need help with that? Send us a note! 


This one’s less about making a profit and more about cutting a line item from your budget. Rather than pay someone else for signs and advertising for your company, use what you already have! An LED screen is super eye-catching and a great way to advertise your business. Plus, it’s easy to modify your signage with new deals, holiday promotions and announcements.


Heading into 2022, a lot of people are still opting for outdoor and open-space activities. Give your community something to look forward to by hosting an outdoor movie night and charge a small admission fee. You could even partner with another local business to provide snacks and drinks.


You can rent out your LED screen’s ability without having to give it up physically. If you’re using your screen to advertise at an event, you can charge other businesses to share the screen. Charge them per 30 seconds of screen time and cycle through the advertisements. Everyone wins!

Whether you already own an Insane Impact LED screen and want to get some advice on one of these ideas or you’re just about ready to buy yourself the best holiday gift ever, we’re here to chat.

Got another idea on how to use your screen as a money-maker in 2022? We’d love to hear ‘em!